Women’s and Children’s Shelter Donation

Women’s and Children’s Shelter Donation

FDLC makes amazing things happen in many ways in our community.  Members of our Operation Joy Committee presented a $1,000 donation to Human Services of Carroll County, in support of the county’s Women’s and Children’s Shelter.  Pictured with two of...
Piney Run Cleanup

Piney Run Cleanup

Members of the Freedom District Lions Club and other community volunteers conducted an environmental clean-up of trash on Piney Run Park’s East Side trails. Much trash was removed from the shoreline of the reservoir. It was a rewarding and pleasurable day.
Lions Honor Veterans

Lions Honor Veterans

The Freedom District Lions Club (FDLC) held their annual veterans’ appreciation dinner at the American Legion Hall in Sykesville on April 24, 2024. About 35 veterans attended as guests of the service club. Col Ed Rothstein, USA, Ret.served as Master of Ceremony;...
Lions at Play!

Lions at Play!

Our Freedom District Lions not only serve people in your community, but also enjoy having fun together!  On April 11, 2024, the Social/Fellowship Committee of the FDLC held a get-together at the 1623 Brewery in Eldersburg for a Music Bingo Social. Nine Lions, 1 spouse...
Lions Rise Against Hunger!

Lions Rise Against Hunger!

On Saturday, April 13, 18 Lions joined with 26 Leos and 4 guests to prepare 10,152 meals for needy children. This immense amount of work was completed in a speedy 90 minutes! A great job by our FDLC members and Leos, who also had fun serving the community.