by admin | Apr 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
Eleven Freedom District Lions and 72 middle and high school students participated in April’s “Roar Like a Lion” community service event at the Eldersburg Library. Thank you for spreading the Lion spirit and values, while enjoying time making crafts such as bird house...
by admin | Dec 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
On Sunday December 10, 2023, local students from Oklahoma Road Middle School, Liberty High School, as well as Winters Mill High School performed a recital at Inspirations Memory Care of Westminster. Eight students as well as an adult piano player from the community...
by admin | Dec 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
Lions came together to honor our veterans by supporting Wreaths Across America. To quote Commissioner Ed Rothstein (COL, Ret.), “Collectively, we didn’t just hit a single or double on Saturday; it was clearly an out-of-the-park home run!” Thank you to all...
by admin | Dec 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
The very first Deck the Trees Charity Challenge was held on Saturday December 9th from 3:30-5:30pm. 14 local businesses sponsored the event with 12 trees decorated and voted on by attendees. Approximately 185 adults and 80 children attended with 14 Lions, 12 Leos and...
by admin | Dec 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Vice District Governor has challenged Lions to help meet the needs of our Community College food pantry. Please consider donating. Items needed include non-perishable food items, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, baby supplies, and paper products. The...