Roar Like a Lion!

Roar Like a Lion!

Eleven Freedom District Lions and 72 middle and high school students participated in April’s “Roar Like a Lion” community service event at the Eldersburg Library. Thank you for spreading the Lion spirit and values, while enjoying time making crafts such as bird house...
Operation Joy Student Recital

Operation Joy Student Recital

On Sunday December 10, 2023, local students from  Oklahoma Road Middle School, Liberty High School, as well as Winters Mill High School performed a recital at Inspirations Memory Care of Westminster. Eight students as well as an adult piano player from the community...
Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring Our Veterans

Lions came together to honor our veterans by supporting Wreaths Across America. To quote Commissioner Ed Rothstein (COL, Ret.), “Collectively, we didn’t just hit a single or double on Saturday; it was clearly an out-of-the-park home run!” Thank you to all...
Deck the Trees Success!

Deck the Trees Success!

The very first Deck the Trees Charity Challenge was held on Saturday December 9th from 3:30-5:30pm. 14 local businesses sponsored the event with 12 trees decorated and voted on by attendees. Approximately 185 adults and 80 children attended with 14 Lions, 12 Leos and...
District Governor Food Pantry Challenge

District Governor Food Pantry Challenge

The Vice District Governor has challenged Lions to help meet the needs of our Community College food pantry.   Please consider donating. Items needed include non-perishable food items, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, baby supplies, and paper products. The...