We celebrated our 76th Charter at the last business meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. This night is always very special for our club. On this occasion, Jeremy Bair, The District Governor of the district we belong to, 22-W, visited our Club. He recognized the founding members of our club, spoke about our international impact as part of Lions Club International, and challenged the members to continue recruiting new Lions to help serve the needs of people now and into the future.
He recognized those current members who have served for 30 or more years and continue to serve with a certificate of appreciation from Lions International. He presented the Knights of the Blind, an award for dedicated service to Lion Les Schneiderman. He also presented the Melvin Jones Fellow, the highest form of recognition for outstanding service through the Lions organization to Lion Bruce Edwards.
The District Governor also inducted two new members of our club.
Coming to our business meetings is a great way to find out more about our club, and meet our members. Interested? Message us for more information!

Monthly Business Meeting