Each year, this Freedom District Lions committee leads a presentation on the American flag to the 5th graders at Piney Ridge Elementary School. Usually, 100-120 students are in attendance. This presentation includes an explanation of the origins of the United States flag, the symbolism of the stars and stripes, as well as the union field. The values of courage, liberty, and loyalty which the colors of the flag represent are explained, as well as, the customs and rituals for proper displaying of the flag. The students participate in a “fun” game of Flag Jeopardy to test their knowledge of our flag. At the conclusion of this presentation the students and adults are asked to stand as a group and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Each student is given a 3 ½” x 6” U.S. Flag and a shaped wooden base for the flag to stand in as a gift from the Lions club. Our thanks to the administration, 5th grade teachers, and the students at Piney Ridge Elementary School for their support of this program.
If other elementary schools in the Sykesville/Eldersburg area would like information about having a flag presentation program conducted by this committee, they should contact 410-549-LION or email freedomdistrictlions@gmail.com