The Freedom District Lions Club has been actively involved in diabetes awareness activities for many years. A Lions club in Lions District 22-C owns and operates a children’s camp, Camp Merrick, on the Potomac River and during the summer they operate programs for children with disabling conditions. One week of camp is for children with diabetes. Our Lions Club and others voluntarily contribute money to a fund held at the Lions District 22-W level to pay for children with diabetes within our district to attend the camp. We have sponsored local children with diabetes in past years and the experience has been beneficial and enjoyable. We also donate to the upkeep and improvements of the camp. Pre-pandemic several of our members participated every year in a Walk to End Diabetes in Frederick, MD (sponsored by ADA) to raise funds and awareness of diabetes. During the pandemic, the event was suspended so our club posted signs about diabetes along a busy section of Liberty Road in Eldersburg and several members walked in our area to call attention to diabetes.