We operate the concession stand in Freedom Park every Saturday in the fall sports season. The concession stand is on Soccer Field #7, by the second parking lot on the right as you're entering the park. Members sign up for shifts here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5A629A5FBC34-51070263-fdlc
We operate the concession stand in Freedom Park every Saturday in the fall sports season. The concession stand is on Soccer Field #7, by the second parking lot on the right as you're entering the park. Members sign up for shifts here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5A629A5FBC34-52961877-fdlc
Freedom District Lions join forces with the Friends of Liberty Reservoir to do trail clean-up & recycling event at various trails within the Liberty Reservoir area. The location varies every month. Check map below.
Monthly business meeting. Open to anyone interested in join as well. Dinner by reservation only. Meetings are streamed via Zoom. For more information contact FreedomDistrictLions@gmail.com Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86895469804?pwd=cTlwMENSNFJyb0FHZ2RQV1ROMEZTdz09 Meeting ID: 868 9546 9804 Passcode: 347155
The team cleans up shrubs and trees. Requires some energy, but no tools or skills required, everyone can be a big help!! Excellent lunch provided by equestrian council coordinator. RSVP to Tony D so we can give the coordinator a headcount. Rain Date: Nov. 24th
Delivery of meals to local families in need. Special thank you to Salerno's for their continued support! Lions please use sign up genius to attend https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5A629A5FBC34-52873606-thanksgiving#/
Assist in flagging grave sites for upcoming Wreaths Across America. Open to Lions, Leos and Community members https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5A629A5FBC34-52873840-wreaths#/