Money, as well as manpower, is needed to carry out many of the service projects that the Freedom District Lions Club (FDLC) does in our community and around the world. All monies our club raises from the public goes back into the public through our many service activities and donations. Over the 72 years the Freedom District Lions Club has been in existence, the club has donated over $1,300,000 plus countless volunteer hours by its members to support those in need in our community, county state and the world beyond; through its projects related to vision, diabetes, childhood cancer, hunger, the environment and various youth programs. We are continuously examining possible new fundraisers and considering whether we should continue existing fundraising projects.
Currently, we conduct with community support, the following major fundraising projects.

Each year, the Freedom District Lions Club operates the French Fry Stand during the week-long Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department (SFDFD) carnival in June. We have been doing this since the carnival began many years ago behind the SFDFD station at the intersection of Route 32 and Freedom Ave. This is one of the club’s largest fundraisers and a significant portion of our profit is donated each year to the fire department for their important life and property saving activities. The FDLC and the local volunteer fire department have a long-standing cooperative relationship dating back to when the fire department was formed.
Our club members fully support this activity – working one or more evenings at our carnival stand to cut potatoes, deep fry the potatoes, and serve them to our friends and neighbors attending the carnival. We own and maintain the French Fry Stand on the carnival grounds

Each September, the Freedom District Lions Club holds as a “fun” fundraiser a golf tournament. This tournament is open to all adults – men and women. Golfers receive as part of their registration fee a lunch, cart & green fees, refreshments on course, gift bag, door prizes and Fried Chicken Dinner at the conclusion of the golf tournament. In addition to the golfer’s registration fee, funds are raised through the generous support of many local businesses who serve as sponsors of the FDLC golf tournament. This year’s tournament will be on Friday, September 29, 2023 with a 12:30pm shotgun start at the Oakmont Green Public Golf Course in Hampstead, MD.
Registration cost is $95.00/golfer with Veterans and First Responders receiving a $10.00 discount.

Since the 1970’s, the Freedom District Lions Club has sold citrus fruit with delivery to our loyal customers in early December. The work of the FDLC Citrus Fruit Committee begins in August when we contact growers in Florida, California or Texas regarding the quality and quantity of available fruit and secure a cost commitment for the fruit. FDLC members than take orders during the September through early November time period from family members, friends and others in the community for navel oranges, red grapefruit, and some other fruit. A trailer normally delivers the fresh fruit the first weekend in December with most of our customers picking up their fruit orders at our Lions Building behind the Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department station at the intersection of Route 32 and Freedom Ave. We encourage people to order early from any member of the FDLC or by calling 410-549-LION (5466) and leaving their name and telephone number. A Lion member will return your phone call and obtain your fruit order.