The Freedom District Lions Club has a very active commitment to help children battling cancer. Based on our research of area hospitals that treat children with cancer, we found our present service passion at Sinai Hospital’s childhood cancer outpatient clinic. Children from infants through teens are brought to the clinic, usually by a parent, one to several times a month for treatment – often they are there for several hours. While talking with the Child Life Specialists, we learned that the children seldom had toys, games or stuffed animals to play with while there. Occasionally, usually around Christmas, organizations will donate some toys but nothing for the rest of the year. It was noted that because the children have compromised immune systems, they must take home the toys they play with rather than sharing with other children. Thus, the toy box at the clinic must be replenished throughout the year. We undertook a project of buying new toys, games and stuffed animals and delivering them to the clinic 4 – 5 times a year. The club budgets funds for this project and we generally receive donations to help support this project and members of the committee buy the items that we take to the hospital for the children. We also periodically buy gas cards for the parents to show that “somebody” is aware of the difficult time they and their child are going through and wants to support them. We have also purchased children’s books for the clinic and area high schools that help the reader understand his/her battle with cancer. We continue our discussions with the Child Life Specialists to determine other ways to help the children. Our Childhood Cancer Committee is open to adding additional projects as they are identified and we can make funds available.