The Freedom District Lions Club delivers toys to Sinai hospital where children
receive their cancer treatments on an outpatient basis. Every three months
several members of the childhood cancer committee take turns purchasing
games, toys, and stuffed animals for the use of the children while they receive
their treatments. We have another member of the committee, Bernadette
Phillips who is now providing books for the children. These toys and books must
be taken home with the child if they play with an item, since no other child can
play with the same item due to the children having low immunity to the spread of
other illnesses.
Century High School’s Leo Club had a blanket making party for the children at
Sinai Hospital as one of their community service projects. The Freedom District
Lions Club delivered seventeen blankets to the hospital for the Leo Club. Thanks
to the Leo Club the children in the outpatient clinic and the hospital will have a
warm blanket to use when they receive their cancer treatment.
Sinai Toy, Book and Blanket Delivery