Childhood cancer

Childhood cancer

The Lions Club has 5 global causes: #5 is Childhood Cancer. 400,000 children worldwide have been diagnosed. Our Lions presented the Hope for Henry Foundation with 100 Batman figures to pediatric patients at Sinai Hospital. Please join us, with your time or donations,...
Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes Awareness

The Lions Club has 5 global causes: #1 is Diabetes awareness. 37M people in the US have diabetes, and 8.5M of those don’t know they have it. For Diabetes Awareness Month, our Lions joined nearby clubs and high school Leos for a Diabetes Awareness Walk at...
Trail Maintenance

Trail Maintenance

FDLC Lions participated in another monthly trail maintenance event at Morgan Run, sponsored by the Carroll County Equestrian Council on September 10, 2023. It was very busy and tiring work, but very rewarding as always – great exercise and fellowship in the...
Monthly Business Meeting

Monthly Business Meeting

We celebrated our 76th Charter at the last business meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. This night is always very special for our club. On this occasion, Jeremy Bair, The District Governor of the district we belong to, 22-W, visited our Club. He recognized the...
Snack Shack

Snack Shack

Beginning in Fall 2022, we started operating the Snack Shack by fields 7 and 8 at Freedom Park as one of our fundraisers. We run the Snack Shack every Saturday during the fall sports season, serving delicious breakfast, snacks, lunch and anything in between. It is a...